1. Self-Introduction
My name is Geraldine S Cosido. I’m married. I have one daughter. I am currently residing Cubacub Mandaue City. I graduated from Benedicto College. I don’t hate anything or anybody. I’m passionate about learning new things.
私の名前は、Geraldine S Cosidoです。私は結婚していて一人の娘がいます。現在はCubacub Mandaue Cityに住んでいます。私は、Benedicto Collageを卒業しました。私は、嫌いなことも嫌いな人もいません。新しいことを習得出来るまでずっと一生懸命に学び続けます。
我叫Geraldine S Cosido。我已经结婚了。我有一个女儿。我现在居住在Cubacub Mandaue City。我毕业于菲律宾Benedicto College。我与人为善,我对学习新事物充满热情。
2. What is English for you?
English is challenging and interesting. Because you can learn a lot of things. It’s a way to communicate and express your thoughts with foreign people.
3. What advice can you give to students who will start learning English?
I always tell the students who will start learning English to do their best. You need to have passion, determination and courage in learning English so that everything will follow. Don’t hesitate to ask questions to your teacher in order expand your comprehension and widen your knowledge.
4. What do you expect from the students?
I want the students to be humble, kind and respectful to their teachers. Not only the teacher but also the people that surrounds them. Because it can make them a good person and at the same time a successful one.