今天晚上带上你的相机和手机来碧瑶的SM CITY MALL来赢取价值 P1000.00的奖品吧。
1. Using your phone/camera take a photo of the Fireworks Display by SM City Baguio tonight at 7pm on any vantage point you want.
2. Choose your photo and upload via Facebook. Photos should be uploaded before 6pm tom. (1/1/18)
3. Make the settings of the post Public and use the following hashtags.
#wheninbaguio #ExperienceMoreThanHolidayAtSMCityBaguio#Baguio2018
4. Onced your photos are uploaded our team will choose and post the winner via our Facebook Page When In Baguio at exactly 7pm tom. (1/1/18)
南崎祝您2018元旦快乐!Enjoy the Holidays! Agyaman tayo amin! :)